About Me


I'm originally from the Philadelphia area, and growing up, I enjoyed exploring the forested hills and farmland of southeastern Pennsylvania! Grad student life in Colorado and State College allowed me to increase my appreciation for the beautiful landscapes our country has to offer. Some of my favorite ways to enjoy our natural wonders include hiking, camping, kayaking, and nature photography. Through my enjoyment of these activities, I've come to realize the physical, emotional, and cultural benefits of our public lands. My travels have also highlighted how these landscapes are a major source of pride for local communities. For these reasons, my goal is to help protect our public lands for the benefit and enjoyment of future generations. I'm particularly interested in helping public land managers and local communities plan for the protection of these environments in an uncertain future.

When outside of nature, you can find me reading about history, sitting at a coffee shop, listening to the Dave Matthews Band, or cheering for the Nittany Lions (We Are!)


Penn State University, PhD in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, 2025

Colorado State University, MS in Atmospheric Science, 2018

Temple University, BS in Applied Mathematics, 2015


John C. Wyngaard Graduate Research Award, Penn State University, 2024

Outstanding Oral Presentation, NWP/WAF Conference, 2022 AMS Annual Meeting, January 2022

Paper of Note, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, November 2020

University Graduate Fellowship, Penn State University, 2019

Outstanding Student Paper, AGU Fall Meeting, December 2015

Sholomskas Scholarship for Mathematics, Temple University, April 2014, 2015


I'm thankful for great collaborators who have included me in the following projects in recent years:

K-12 Educational Outreach: I'm passionate about sharing my interest in weather and climate with the next generation of young scientists! Since 2022, I've participated in the Scientist in Every Florida School (SEFS) program, which organizes virtual classroom visits in which scientists help educate students in a way that complements their regular curriculum. I've also participated in classroom visits in the State College, PA, area.

Student Mentorship: I also cherish opportunities to work with and mentor younger undergraduate and graduate students as they begin their academic careers. I've had the pleasure of working with amazing undergraduate student interns through REU programs at both Colorado State (2017) and Penn State (2021, 2022, 2023). In these roles, I've aimed to provide guidance related to research (e.g., coding, writing) and life as a grad student/early-career scientist. 

Departmental Affairs: As a graduate student, I served as an officer of Penn State's Meteorology and Atmospheric Science Graduate Student Organization (MASGO). I served as a student representative to the department's Graduate Academic Program (2021-2022), which helps structure graduate student curriculum in the department. I also served as the department's recruitment chair (2021-2022), and as a graduate student ambassador (2021-2024). In these roles, I was able to interact with prospective and incoming students, with the goal of providing support and guidance about our department at Penn State. As MASGO chair (2022-2023), I worked with a fantastic group of fellow graduate student officers to inform our friends and peers about department policies and provide a welcoming environment for all!

Some examples of the public lands that need our protection!